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How to Get More Deep Sleep

You might have been told by your smart watches that your deep sleep is not enough. So.... what now?

Understanding the importance of Deep Sleep and how to achieve enough of it is key to achieving quality sleep.



This stage is also described as slow wave sleep, the stage that your brainwaves are at their slowest, your muscles relax, your eyes relax, and your heart rate and breathing reach their lowest point. It is during Deep Sleep where your body goes into repair, where your cells are replenished, and your immune system is revitalised.



In general, about 20-25% of your sleep time should be in Deep Sleep. The amount of time in deep sleep will often decrease as we age. Young children require a lot more as it promotes development and growth. Those under 30 may find they are getting two hours of deep sleep while those over 65 may only be getting half an hour or no deep sleep. Regardless of age, deep sleep is an important part of the sleep cycle and even older adults need enough deep sleep to help their body’s function.

Deep sleep is essential to good health as it supports mental and physical recovery. It supports long-term memory while poor deep sleep impairs this, leading to forgetfulness and poor memory retention.

If you’re hoping to strengthen your immune system, make sure you get those hours of deep sleep as this is when our bodies release toxins, repair damaged cells, and boost immunity. Deep sleep is also important for our mental health as this is when our brains are able to process information and consolidate memories. This is why getting a good night’s sleep is so important for students – it helps them to remember what they’ve learned during the day.



Not sure if you’re getting enough deep sleep? You may not be if you:

~Struggle to pay attention and focus.

~Feel drowsy and unrefreshed.

~Find it difficult to learn new things.

~Are gaining weight.

~Have unsteady moods.

~Have trouble retaining information.



~Have a consistent bedtime routine that prepares your body for bed.

~Go to sleep by 10pm as you get the most deep sleep during the earlier sleep cycles.

~Exercise for at least 30 minutes during the day.

~Avoid napping after 2pm as it can affect your sleep at night.

~Don’t use your devices that generate blue light in the hour before you go to sleep.

~Take a hot bath or shower one to two hours before bed to help reduce your core body temperature in preparation for sleep.

~Consider using Sleep Innovations like SleepHub to help you cycle through the correct sleep stages each night and retrain your brain to sleep well.



If you are looking for a better night’s sleep, the SleepHub sleep device can help. These speakers play a series of pure tones that imitate the brain waves needed for sleep. This will help you fall asleep faster and have you waking up feeling more rested.

Optimize your sleep health with SleepHub.

For more information on SleepHub, please visit any of our stores or click below

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